This is not my story. For there is no ‘my’. Nor is it anyone else’s. It
is the story of us all, a story of existence.
Although existence seen in the light of true being does not exist at all
in words. Nor does it exist in other outer forms we experience, while living on
this planet. We cannot find true being in the forms of our bodies, nor in the
things we do and the things we think we are –things we call hobbies, jobs, studies,
personality, past or future.
We surely may find existence reflected in these outer forms when we
sense inner being. Therefore we first have to realise that true existence, true
being, cannot be found in emotions, thoughts or in any product of the mind.
The collective energy-fields of our minds have became autonomous computers
–without us being aware of it. Just because we were not aware of our presence
in the present moment, this has happened. It has became a strong habit energy.
This computer we call the mind creates software by its own. Our
hardware, our experience of the quality of our life gets affected by it.
This is what it is. In essence, we are trees rooted in Being –a few
thought on practical stuff might be practical, so we have a few leaves of mind.
We seem to have forgotten our roots and try to grow by these few leaves.. and
are surprised when we fall.
In essence, there is nothing wrong with having a mind. At a certain
level, -which could co-exist to other, daily levels- there is no right and
wrong at all. All of these are just experiences, passing by like clouds in the
sky. The waves of the ocean. Who is this sky that watches the clouds come and
go? Who is the ocean that hears and feels waves rise and fall?
The observer who watches from beyond, the eagle who balances on the
layers of the wind, who observes and –when needed, risen from presence-
interacts with these layers of wind by reaction, by adjusting the edge of his
wings, or the feathers of her tail. So that she can stay in synchronization
with the winds and everything that is (in and) around him.
On massive scale we have been forgotten who we are. We are like children
crying, because we feel hurt and we want to have a candy. When we get this
candy, we consume it and cry again, feel unwholesome again. The conditioned
software of our minds has us thinking again, has us searching again to fill
this unwholesomeness with anything out there in the material world.
While us –the true being of our selves- are unconscious of this process
and thus not experience the ability to stop it, to transform it.
We search for ourselves; we think we will find ourselves in the future,
in the jobs we want to do, the relationships we (want to) have, the ideas we
Or maybe we feel this grieving or somehow like we lost something or
someone, thinking of the past.
What if there was no past, no future?
What if there was no belonging to, no anxiety, no inner (and by that)
outer battles?
This is a state of being which we are encountering right now, in the
present moment. The time has come to be.. now! (Let me tell you a secret, it
has always been now ;-) )
Right now we are entering a great awaking on Earth.
Now it our time to breathe. Now is our time to step back from everything
we identified with. Are you afraid? That is normal, it is just the software in
your mind.
Now you, the one who is reading this, tell me.. what do you feel when
you do nothing at all, when you just observe what happens in and around you?
Are you experiencing Being?
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